Sunday, November 6, 2011

Plot Curveballs: Fish, Rain and the Release of Two Very Bad Men

Today has been a great writing day. I was able to get up early and write in the peace and quiet accompanied by some odd glances from the fish and the drops of rain pattering on the skylights. Talk about the perfect melting pot for creativity eh?

So back to the is early yet in my second novel but by the end of chapter 2 - two very bad characters - Twin Giants - have been released from their prison. Perfect for tossing my 'good guys' plenty to consider and battle with. I find the more I write - the more I love action. Since my stuff falls within the 'Suspense' genre, I suppose it would be only natural that I would enjoy the Plot Curveball. I saw a perfect example in a TV show this week. The good guy did everything like he was supposed to and then at the very end, the bad guy changed the terms - throwing him a curveball so to speak - you think the ball is going to go one way and then at the last minute - the direction changes. My recent exposure to playing softball for the first time this past fall feels all the more apropos.

NanoWriMo's week one pep talk discussed adding ninjas - when in doubt - well I can't say that I am adding ninjas - my twin giants are actually very good looking albeit very angry but I think they will add energy to the story even this early on.

Here's to good action! Whether achieved by ninjas or angry giants or a very normal but inconveinant circumstance for your makes things oh-so-much more fun!

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